If our online ordering isn’t available as usual, please call us at 510-664-5056 to place your order over the phone, and we can process your payment in store.

Pick up at 2521 Hearst Ave. in Etcheverry Hall, in Berkeley, CA.

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We welcome you back!

Our usual in-store hours are:

Monday - Friday 7:15 am - 6pm.

Thank you for your support!

photo by Noah Berger

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Preparing your order:

We will prepare your order with stringent sanitation practices in mind (with social distancing, gloves and face mask wearing). We will place your order in a clean compostable bag and will meet you curbside upon pick up. If you prefer, you can also pick up at our kiosk window, easily visible from the street, overlooking Hearst Avenue and our large open air patio.

Sanitation and best practices:

Let us know if you have any feedback or leave your email address here so we can let you know about new inventory. Our messages will be kept to a minimum. Thank you!